A man proposes to his woman needs to have an engagement ring before he can ask the question “will you marry me?”. A woman needs to see the ring first
before she can response “i will “ to his man. A couple needs to have a wedding ring on each others
A single and simple ring can represent the whole world how and what a single individual is. A graduation ring with personalized school logo is understood as souvenirs for students who graduated. Wearing of ring types and designs also determines the personality an individual possessed. Celtic type of rings goes well with artistic person or those who loves art like carving and engraving. Personalized rings are for sweet persons who wants to send a heartfelt message to their loved ones through their gifts.Rings with diamond stones are usually the choice of rich and famous. Though there are fake diamonds used just for fashion by others. A diamond ring can cost from hundred of dollars to millions. Those who loves to represents their zodiac signs or engaged with astrology often choose different gemstones as their birthstones and for those who loves different shades and colors of stones. The most popular birthstones are sapphires, rubies, aquamarine, opals, turquoise, pearls and emeralds are just some. This stones are believed to possessed mystical meaning and healing abilities. This famous gemstones are desirable for engagement and wedding rings. Wearing of pearls symbolizes purity for pearls are considered as timeless and classic stones. Swarovzki crystals are great choices for fashionable and outgoing person who wants to match their dresses to their jewelries.
For simple persons, a simple choice of ring bands is fine with them. For there are some who prefers to wear rings as a sign of their marital status like wearing of wedding rings than of fashion. Some wants rings that last for a lifetime, this usually happens to men. Especially for married man who works with hard labor. A ring is just a must for them to wear and not for fashion like most women and this will be the only jewelry they 'll ever wear. Silver and white gold rings are in demands for teenagers for it's modern and trendy. Some wear rings on their toe.

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