Especially at the beginning of a new relationship his ego gets the better of him, as he attempts to impress his partner with his sexual prowess. This obsession to provide his partner with the best sex of their life causes, immediate fears that he will not be capable of achieving this goal. As a result this stress to impress, dampens his libido and causes his difficulties in maintaining an erection; resulting in sexual failure and dejection.
His 4 primary sex fears are...
1. He panics about being inadequate
Many men have a complex about their penis size and fear that it is not large enough to satisfy their partner. But, smaller penises erect a lot harder than their well endowed counterparts. It is not just the size of the penis that satisfies the woman, but the sexual act as a whole.
2. He is worried about being lousy in bed
Especially when a man enters into a new relationship, he worries that he will not live up to his partner's sexual expectations, and will fail to make the grade of previous partners. He also fears that he lacks the necessary sexual expertise that his partner may be accustomed to. And his self-doubt will make him wonder if his partner has been faking their orgasms.
3. He fears premature ejaculation
Proving himself as a sexual dynamo is a way for a man to show off his masculinity, and he is fully aware of how disappointed, his partner will be, if the act of making love finishes prematurely. This fear of lousy timing causes him to have an internal dialogue where the inner voice is begging to last a little longer, eliminating most of the pleasure; however short it may last.
4. He fears losing his erection
This is possibly the biggest sex fear of all that every man has gone through at one time or another. This occasional natural occurrence is often caused by a variety of factors such as stress and tiredness. However, in some it can develop into a psychosomatic problem where he focuses all of his attention onto his erection with expectation of losing it; instead of focusing on the pleasures being given by his partner.
How To Eliminate These Sex Fears
For most men the solution is simply, virility enhancement. By enhancing your libido it will result in; harder, longer erections; vastly improved sexual performance; greater sexual stamina reducing the chances of premature finishes. And even if you do, there is no need to worry because with your new enhanced virility, you will be ready to go again.
Virility enhancement can be achieved in several ways; by expensive prescribed medications such as testosterone injections, which have the risk of some very unusual side effects. Alternatively, by using natural virility products with powerful herbal ingredients known for their erection, sexual performance and libido enhancing properties, with no risk of side effects.

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