You're out with this amazing girl and you know she's going to be the perfect girlfriend --- she's pretty, smart, sexy and independent. You're all set to feel the love and looking forward for the thrilling days. However, there you are on the receiver, wondering why she still hasn't picked up or is she avoiding your calls? Well, before you plot something or to feel like doom's coming pretty soon, relax. It's doesn't necessarily mean she's not into you. Below are the top reasons why she's avoiding your calls. Know the secrets on why she won't pick --- and what to do about it instead:
* You're not her type. Period. Sometimes, life is simple. She likes you but you're not her type. End of story. Remain friends. This doesn't mean you have to wave a white flag instantly. Try a couple bit more --- it will never harm you, I swear. She might just realize what a consistent, insistent, adorable fellow you are. If it still won't work, better leave it. No problem.
* She was bored. She wants probably bored when she went out with you. I mean no offense to that --- some people just have a spur-of-the-moment thing when they feel a little euphoric when out when out with somebody and poof, it's all gone. It's like a cheap version of a one-night stand. Don't take it personally. It wasn't your fault anyway.
* There was no chemistry. Aside maybe from the fact that she's really one busy girl, there might be a much heavier reason behind her no-return calls - chemistry. Or the lack of it. There are times that when you meet someone you just hit it off instantly. Ever heard of "love at first sight"? Well, it does happen. When it doesn't you need a little time for it to come. But if it simply won't, then better try to put your attention elsewhere.
* She's playing hard-to-get. Some girls will get all giggly and excited and nervous when a guy they like calls (she's probably hanging around near the phone all these days) but no and behold, she didn't pick up. Why? Call it a great mystery of the female species. They just have this tendency to play-hard-to-get that's all. It's a way for them to make you realize they're not that easy to lure over. Be a little patient. She will come around, believe me.
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