Lovers pictures
* Always make her laugh when you're together. True enough, laughter is the best medicine --- and an aphrodisiac. Ever wondered why most women would instantly crave and get attracted to a guy who has a great sense humor? You got that right --- a good conversation can practically make her fall in love with you all so suddenly.
* Hang out alone. Just the two of you. If you've been "hanging out" all your lives, or often together with some buddies as well, then it's time for a little update --- ask her out on a date! It won't hurt, I tell you. It's also a great way to find out what she feels about you through her reaction --- so go ahead and ask her now!
* Start flirting with her. Maintain eye contact, start making her laugh, attempt to hold her hand --- these are all flirting signals you need to send her --- girls are pretty sensitive with body language that's why she might just get your message. And who knows, she might even start flirting back!
* Make her miss you. Disappear for while --- stop being together 24/7. Give a gap --- it's a perfect way to organize your thoughts and feelings and giving her time to miss you as well. Don't worry --- it's going to work well on your advantage. Don't make it too long though --- a couple of days or at least a week would do to make her miss you.
* Ask her what she thinks of you. Feeling a little brave and gutsy? Go ahead and ask her what thinks of you. It's unlikely for a friend to ask that out of the blue and it's also one sure but subtle way to express your true feelings --- without being all too obvious of course. You might just even be surprised of her answer.

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