Respecting the well known fact that girls are emotional and easily fall for things that touch their hearts, it's not difficult to impress a girl without gifts. So, if you are on a tight budget or not willing to loosen your pocket for her, you still stand a chance to become her darling.
Guys have such a hard time with giving gifts, and when you really want to impress a girl it becomes more complicated. Can you actually impress the girl of your dreams, without giving her gifts? Aren't gifts a necessary part of the romance package, and don't girls expect you to give them gifts? The worst of all, though: won't she think I'm cheap or that I don't respect her if I try to impress her without giving gifts? There maybe some women that expect or even need gifts to keep their interest, but the majority are not that superficial at all. Here are a few tips you can try when you want to impress a girl, without resorting to gifts:
Be Original
You can impress a girl by taking time in planning, instead of just buying a gift that you aren't even sure she'll like. Take her on a date that's original, unforgettable. It could be something quietly romantic, like a scenic walk or a picnic. It could be fun, like going to a karaoke night and singing. Use your imagination. You have to remember, she should be impressed by you, not by a gift you give her.
Make Something
You don't have to buy a gift. Make her something personal, that is obviously just for her. When you think about a girl in detail, her likes and dislikes, her personality- you can impress her without buying a gift. It could be sending her a song in an email, or writing a poem in a text and sending it. Maybe you're crafty, and you can carve her a figurine of her favorite animal. Whatever the case is, don't try to rely on impressing her with a gift that's forgettable. It's a waste of time and money.
Be Confident
There's nothing more impressive or attractive in a man than confidence. It's sexy and irresistible. Take time to get ready before you see her, wear a classy cologne and talk to her, not at her. Sometimes the best gift to give a girl is being an attentive and good listener. Watch your body language, though- you don't want to come off as cocky or selfish. It's a turn-off, and won't impress any girl, with or without a gift.
It's unfortunate so many men feel they need to buy the affections of girls. Most girls are with you for you, not because of what you can afford to give them. The more special and unique you show her with gestures, not gifts, is going to be the biggest attraction for her. You can impress a girl without gifts- in this case, it's a matter of less really is more.

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