Have you ever felt ugly or unattractive? Sometimes people can
feel that way if they put on a few pounds, if someone rejects
them or after they acted out in anger.
No matter what society determines as being attractive, I
believe everyone is beautiful in their own way. They key is
that you must feel good inside to really express that
beautiful self out in the world. Here are some simple ways to
access authentic beauty in the world and in your heart:
1. Appreciate those you love. Thank someone in your life for
something nice they did for you or just being in your world.
2. Take time to look at nature every day. There is a
perfection in the balance of the earth, plants and animals
that are unmatched by synthetic substitutes.
3. Daily meditation. Quieting your noisy, mostly negative mind
can bring in a lightness and silence that heals the rough
edges of your perception of yourself and your life.
4. Wear bright colors. The clothes you wear can make an impact
on how good you feel. Clothing that is too tight, too loose or
torn can drag down your confidence. Dress in the way that
makes you express your best.
5. Engage in a healthy lifestyle. Eat nutritious foods that
make you feel better about your body. Take time each day to
move your body and thank your body for all that it does for
Instead of spending tons of money on expensive creams, plastic
surgery or designer clothes, these ideas can be implemented
with little or no financial investment and will give you
greater results. You will truly feel more beautiful from the
inside out.

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