Healing a broken heart takes time. You can’t bounce back as your old self the next morning or even a few months after that. However, it can be done. And it will happen to you in time as well.
The first few stages of healing a broken heart won’t be easy.sometimes, you’ll feel the urge to wallow and self-pity. There will be a lot of that, I’m sure. After all, the wound is still fresh. The memories are still brand new. But you have to trust that you’re going to be just fine.
1) Let it all out.
If you have to cry, do it. Don’t hold it in. It’s only going to be more painful that way. Healing a broken heart means you have to give your heart reprieve. Crying is usually the way to let all the negative emotions out. Keep your tissues handy and just trust that you’ll be alright.
2) Find a new interest.
Not a love interest, mind you. Healing a broken heart doesn’t mean going out on rebound. You’re not ready for that yet. Besides, it won’t be fair to you or the other person. Try to get a hobby. Do you like cooking? Enroll in a cooking or baking class. Find another passion that doesn’t involve romance. Learning something new will help you become a better person and help you regain a part of yourself that was lost.
3) Get a new ‘do.
Sometimes, there is a need to get away from the old you. If you can’t take a vacation, try getting a hair cut or a make-over. Buy new clothes. I’m not saying you should shop until you drop or become someone totally different from who you were (although that works for other people). Sometimes, you just want to look different. More beautiful or handsome, maybe… This is perfectly healthy. It will also give you the confidence to be happy again.
Healing a broken heart isn’t easy. However, you can make it whole again. You can teach it how to forgive, to love and to trust again in time. Don’t rush things and move at your own pace. Always believe that you’ll be happy again someday.

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