"In the cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips."
"If I could give you one thing I would wish for you, the ability to see yourself as others see you, then you would realize what a truly special person you are!!"
"When it hurts to look back, and you are scared to look ahead, look beside you and your best friend will be there."
One of the best feelings in the world is to touch and warm someone's heart, whether it be your love or just a friend, almost nothing can feel better."
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."
"A boyfriend stabs you in the heart, a stranger stabs you in the front, a friend stabs you in the back, but best friends don't carry knives."
"The sacrifices of friendship were beautiful in her eyes, as long as she was not asked to make them."
"A friend is a crutch when you're falling apart; a friend is a pillar when you have a broken heart. A friend is a treasure without knowing why; a friend holds you together and won't let you cry."
"Friends are the angels that lift us up when our wings have forgotten how to fly."
"I was able to walk on fire, I was able to climb the highest mountain, I was able to perform the most impossible tasks, only because through every hard trial, you were there holding my hand. 'Cause you truly are my special friends."
"When friends fall in love, it means that they are meant for each other, but when friends fall out of love, it means that they want to keep each other forever."
"A person who will cry with me, laugh with me, fight with me, and a person that would be there for me, is my friend."
"Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye."
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